

Over the years, the family of Late Sheikh Ahmed Juffali has been presented with many awards, in their personal capacity as well as in their capacity as founders and members of the Board of Trustees of the Help Center.

These awards are in honor of years of hard work and efforts to effectively contribute to the advancement of the community and society as well as to specific sectors related to Special Needs.


First Festival on Disability and Rehabilitation

Presented to the family of Sheikh Ahmed Juffali, by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, at the First Festival on Disability and Rehabilitation in Riyadh-16-18 December 2003.


Special Education

Presented by the Special Education Sector of the Ministry of Education in Jeddah- 2002-2003.


Golden Award

HRH Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Golden Award for Highest Achiever in the Healthcare Sector to Employ and Train National Manpower, presented from the Ministry of Labour- 2006.


The 6th Gulf Theater Festival for Persons with Disabilities

Presented by the Authority of People with Disabilities (APD), a prize was presented to the team “Desert Knights”, who were awarded second place for their performance of “Al-Markaz”. Two awards were also given to the team for best acting and best directing.


the First Runner-up

The Help Center, had been given the First Runner-up of the given the First Runner-up of the Chaillot Prize, for the year 2009, by the European Union Delegation.


King Khalid award

King Khalid award for social projects, 2nd session, had been presented to the Help Center, in recognition of its efforts and services for children with intellectual disabilities, Riyadh- December 18th, 2011.


Makkah Social Excellence award

Makkah Social Excellence award, 4th session, had been presented to the Help Center in its capacity for the children with intellectual disability, Jeddah – May 22nd, 2012.